Powering Our Future

Firm power with Geomechanical Energy Storage


Quidnet’s breakthrough energy storage technology delivers firm power at scale

Our breakthrough modular long-duration energy storage technology uses existing natural resources and standardized components from established supply chains to store and deliver energy around-the-clock.

Quidnet Energy site, Castilleja img

How it Works

The entire module is produced with conventional drilling processes and standardized hydro-mechanical power conversion subcomponents. Modules operate with a closed-loop water system, designed for conservation against evaporative loss. Compatible geologies for siting the modules are non-hydrocarbon bearing and found abundantly throughout the world, intersecting with major electricity transmission and distribution networks.

Standard Module Design

Quidnet Energy site rendering with cutaway

When there is surplus electricity, it is used to pump water from a pond down a well and held under pressure.


The well is closed, keeping the energy stored under pressure for as long as needed.


When electricity is needed, the well is opened to let the pressurized water pass through a turbine to generate electricity, and return to the pond ready for the next cycle.


When there is surplus electricity, it is used to pump water from a pond down a well and held under pressure.


The well is closed, keeping the energy stored under pressure for as long as needed.


When electricity is needed, the well is opened to let the pressurized water pass through a turbine to generate electricity, and return to the pond ready for the next cycle.


Geomechanical energy storage has significant advantages over other long-duration storage technologies

Structural Cost Advantage

for delivering firm power

Mature Execution Supply Chain

GW/year deployment potential

Modular, Long-Duration Storage

1-10 MW per module

Standardized Production Process

Sub-components are standardized and interchangeable


firm power


hours of storage

Two people in hard hats onsite at a Quidnet site

About Quidnet Energy

Houston-based Quidnet Energy is an energy storage company that uses the subsurface as a sustainable natural resource. Quidnet Energy’s patented Geomechanical Energy Storage technology utilizes excess electricity from the grid to store water beneath the ground under pressure, delivering that energy later to provide firm, reliable power to the grid.


Quidnet exhibits modular geomechanical energy storage tech ad inagural Breakthrough Energy Summit

In October 2022, Quidnet presented their modular Geomechanical Pumped Storage (GPS) technology at the first ever Breakthrough Energy Summit. Quidnet was one of the first companies selected for funding by Breakthrough Energy Ventures, the investment division of Breakthrough Energy.

At the Breakthrough Energy Summit, Quidnet CEO Joe Zhou introduced Bill Gates and Roki Guidero to a wellhead from an early GPS installation.

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Quidnet Energy presenting their technology at Breakthrough Energy Summit 2022

Quidnet Energy to Receive $10M in Federal Funding to Commercialize Clean Energy Technology

The Department of Energy's ARPA-E division selected Quidnet as one of just eight companies to receive funding through the 2022 iteration of SCALEUP, an initiative which supports energy technologies determined to be feasible for commercialization. The agency awarded Quidnet $10 million to support the company's previously announced project with CPS Energy, the largest municipal utility in the U.S.

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ARPA-E Scale Up program graphic
